The Weavers Guild of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Weaving Center had a table at the Watson Farm Sheep Shearing event on April 27, 2024 in Jamestown Rhode Island. 

Watson Farm display
Watson Farm, WGRI Weaving Exhibit

We had a perfect spring day and the farm flower gardens were beautiful.  We had lots of families visit us on their way to watch the sheep get sheared. 

sheep ready to shear

(Lots of sheep! – and a record number of lambs on the farm this year!)  Leslie Mahler, Liz Hill and Donna LaVallee showed a number of visitors – (kids and adults) how to weave on a rigid heddle loom. 

The spinners guild was set up next to us, so we could talk about the entire process of making wool fabric!  The farm’s four yellow ducklings and a mini- pig named Harriet visited our booth.  Plan to join us on May 18 at the Coggelshall Farms Sheep and Wool Festival on May 18 in Bristol, Rhode Island.