The Weavers Guild of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Weaving Center had a table at the Watson Farm Sheep Shearing event on April 27, 2024 in Jamestown Rhode Island.
We had a perfect spring day and the farm flower gardens were beautiful. We had lots of families visit us on their way to watch the sheep get sheared.
(Lots of sheep! – and a record number of lambs on the farm this year!) Leslie Mahler, Liz Hill and Donna LaVallee showed a number of visitors – (kids and adults) how to weave on a rigid heddle loom.
The spinners guild was set up next to us, so we could talk about the entire process of making wool fabric! The farm’s four yellow ducklings and a mini- pig named Harriet visited our booth. Plan to join us on May 18 at the Coggelshall Farms Sheep and Wool Festival on May 18 in Bristol, Rhode Island.