Role of Secretary
Approved WGRI Executive Board on September 7, 2019
The Secretary of the Weavers Guild of Rhode Island is an officer of the corporation, along with the President and Vice-President, Treasurer, and Past President.
The Secretary shall attend all monthly and board meetings and record and keep the minutes. The minutes include the location of the meeting; the time the meeting is opened and adjourned; any motions made and the results of votes. The records also include information presented at the meetings. This can include but is not limited to: announcements, committee reports, program reports, and general information of interest to the members. The Secretary will write up preliminary minutes and e-mail them to the President for corrections and clarifications, if necessary. The Secretary will update the minutes, if required. Once updated, the President will e-mail the minutes to the members prior to the next meeting. The members will vote to approve or modify the minutes at the next meeting. Once the minutes have been approved by the members, they are considered final and are e-mailed to the Web master for publication on the Web site.
The Secretary is elected for a one-year term and cannot hold his/her office for more than two consecutive terms.