Role of President

Role of President

Job Description: President, Weavers Guild of Rhode Island

Nov. 7, 2018, revised

Approved WGRI Executive Board on September 7, 2019


The President decides the format of the meetings and prepares the agendas. The President contacts committee chairs, if necessary, for items for the agenda. Prior to the meeting, the President gives the Secretary a copy of the agenda. The meetings of the WGRI consist of business-related matters and programs. The President presides over the business-related portion of the meetings.

The President schedules and presides over Executive Committee meetings, which are held at least twice a year.

Consulting with the Vice President, the President sets the meeting dates for each program year.

The Vice President will conduct the meetings if the President is absent.


Outside of the meetings, the President distributes pertinent information to the board, committees, and general membership, most commonly by e-mail. The President writes the “President’s Message” for each edition of the WGRI Newsletter. The President handles e-mail generated by the WGRI Web site, or delegates that responsibility to a member. The President defines and approves material posted to the WGRI Web site.


The President coordinates with the Treasurer to make sure government reports are completed and filed on time.

Rhode Island reporting: The Treasurer completes at the “Annual report for the Year 20XX, Non-Profit Corporation.” The report is due June 1-June 30. The filing fee is $20. The Online Filing fee is an additional $2. The WGRI Treasurer is considered the “agent” for the guild. When an new Treasurer is elected, the President must file a ”Statement of Change Agent” report with the state.The filing fee for this report is $10.

Federal (IRS) reporting: WGRI President files and IRS-990-n form electronically since our receipts are less than $50,000. This form is also known as e-Postcard. The procedure: on, search for “Annual Electronic Notice (Form 990-N) for Small Organizations.” Click this. Scroll down the form to “Ready to File?” Click on “Electronic Filing System (e-postcard).” This brings you to a Log In Page. To log in: USERNAME: WeaversRI. Site image: white rabbit. Site phrase: loom. Password: Weavers*8. This will bring you to the form for filing. Filing. Follow the instructions. DO NOT USE PUNCTUATION.

Upon change of President, the NEW President completes IRS Form 8822-B, Change of Responsible Party. The form is completed online, printed and mailed to the IRS. A copy is kept for WGRI records.


The President, with approval of the Executive Board, establishes committees and names members to these committees. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. The President works with committees to provide information and guidance in conducting the work of the guild.

The Nominating Committee is appointed in October.

The President has the authority to call Special Meetings, but no business shall be transacted at any special meeting except that for which the special meeting was called.

The New England Weaver’s Seminar

The President shall appoint two members to represent WGRI and attend the meetings of the Board of Governors of The New England Weaver’s Seminar, which meets twice a year.

Parliamentary AuthorityThe rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern the proceedings of this corporation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by – laws.