The Gallery and Fashion Shows at NEWS have always been a favorite of weavers. As you probably know, the NEWS Trustees have decided not to hold an in-person NEWS in 2021. The Trustees debated how to replicate the opportunity to see and be inspired by the work of other weavers, and decided that as a substitute there will be a photo gallery on the NEWS 2021 website showing woven items submitted by any guild member who would like to participate. Entries will not be juried, and any weaver who is a member of your guild is eligible to participate. Weavers may submit a photo of one item (one per weaver no matter how many guilds they belong to). Photos will be visible to anyone who visits the NEWS website, not just NEWS members.

Ordinarily items that have been woven since the previous NEWS (that is, in the previous 2 years) are permitted to be entered in the juried shows. Because of the special circumstances this year, that rule will be waived for 2023, and items woven since 2019 will be allowed in the juried shows in 2023. However, any item included in the 2021 photo gallery will not be allowed to be entered in the juried shows in 2023. Weavers should be aware of this as they may want to save their “best” item for 2023.

If you are interested in entering an item, please email

Judy Schaefer ( or
Michele O’Donnell (

with the stipulation of either GALLERY, or FASHION SHOW; (this matters as the numbers to catalog items are a different series) We will email you with an “entry number”. This number must be included with your photo and description. Once you have your entry #, take a photo of your item
– the photo must be in JPEG format and no larger than 2MB.
Include a description as follows:
Your First and Last Name
Type of Item (rug, towel, dress, etc)
Fiber used Weave structure Remember!

This photo will be on the NEWS website for all the world to see!
All photos should be submitted by April 30th


WGRI Weavers Guild of Rhode Island